self help and personal improvement experts
motivational, inspirational mentoring

Leadership Strategies 
for the 21st Century 

1. Personal Strategic Planning
Did you ever wonder why some people become super achievers, while others only talk about success and accomplishment? The difference is not talent, a college education, or rich parents. The' difference between those who accomplish their dreams and those who dream' of accomplishing them is that achievers have definite, concrete goals, and a plan on how to accomplish them. Success begins with a definition of your goals and objectives, and what you plan to accomplish. Your dreams are the destinations you want to reach; your goals are the signposts of accomplishment that define your path. Your values set the limits for the time and energy that you choose to expend on any dream of goal. Your strategies are the tools of accomplishment. This highly interactive, thought provoking session will help you develop a blueprint for the accomplishment of the above.

2. Time Management
Time Management goes hand in hand with Goal Setting and Strategic Development. 'Yet the majority of people, personally and professionally, have difficulty balancing their time in relation to their goals. This seminar will put an entirely different perspective on how to better manage the one, unique resource that all people have equally at their disposal... TIME. In this seminar, you will learn the, importance and value of time planning, learn new perspectives on setting priorities, obtain new insights' on time allocation techniques, be presented with various tools and techniques to multiply time, and learn how to better delegate responsibilities to accomplish more within an allocated time period. It is said that extraordinary people are ordinary people with extraordinary goals. Learn how to set a time each week for reviewing your progress, your goals, and how much time you have invested in making them into a reality. Make time to take this Time Management seminar.

3. How To Sell Yourself and Your Ideas
Many people have difficulty grasping the concept that every day we are involved in. the "selling process." To achieve any degree of success, you must first learn hew to effectively sell yourself and your ideas to your boss, your peers, members of your team, and even to members of your family. In this workshop, we will review the importance and value of people relationships, uncover new din-tensions of creative thinking and selling, and learn the art of asking questions to help obtain your goals. At the conclusion of this workshop, not only will you better understand the value and importance of strategic selling and the "Win - Win" paradigm, you will also be able to immediately apply' many of the learned I concepts, strategies, and techniques in your daily work and personal activities.

4. Self Confidence/Self Esteem
Competence breeds confidence. Learn to do what you are afraid to do. In this workshop, the student will learn how to overcome fear, and develop a creative, new way of thinking about you. The student will be presented with new techniques to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and learn how to feel good about you. You will also learn how to put excitement back into your life. We all have mental pictures of ourselves, for it is impossible to function without a self-image. We live life in accordance with the chart that we have given our subconscious mind. The greatest power that anyone or anything can have over us is our self-image. Since we are the ones who developed our own self-irllage, we have the power to change it, anytime we choose to do so. Learn how to control your self-image.

5. Leadership
Winston Churchill said, "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he (or she) wants to do it." In this workshop, students will learn how to take charge of their professional and personal lives. During this presentation, the student will learn the qualities of effective leadership, will be given the opportunity to demonstrate how he/she can become an effective leader. This leading-edge study will explore new dimensions of highly effective leadership, understand where leadership begins, and why some leaders fail. "To lead in the 21st century, to take soldiers, sailors, and airmen into battle, you will be required to have both character and competence." -H. Norman Schwarzkopf

6. Organization Skills
Learn how to get your act in order. Do you admire organized people? Do you ever wish you could be one of them? Being organized is not a personality characteristic; it is a learned skill, as well as a deliberate state of mind. This workshop will present a unique strategy on how to wage war on paperwork, keep reading material from piling up, and how to handle information more effectively. In addition, the student will barn how to save time, money, frustration, and aggravation,, while gaining the ultimate satisfaction of becoming more productive in less time. Sound unbelievable? Take the workshop and become a believer! It's worth the, investment.

7. Winning Attitudes
What is the difference between a problem and an opportunity? How you see it! "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me is far more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, or a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you, we are in charge of our Attitudes."  -C. Swindoll

Topics covered in this workshop include Understanding Your Attitude; What is a Positive Attitude, Attitude and Your Job, Career Success and Team Leadership; How to give your Positive Attitude to Others. This is a MUST ATTEND session.

8. Negotiating
Learn the application of "Failing To Prepare Is Preparing For Failure" in the negotiation process. The critical negotiating process will be described in extensive detail. Planning strategies and creative new tactics will be outlined to help you accomplish your, desired goal. The purpose of this workshop is to enable the student to become an effective negotiator. The student will be learning new skills and techniques, plus the basics of silence, patience, sensitivity, curiosity, and just "showing up." The student will be presented with ways to get more information than he/she gives, learn how to handle questions you can't or don't want to answer, with air understanding of what is takes to become a "World Class Negotiator."

9. Presentation Skills/Public Speaking
Effective public speaking skills are not just important to those who want to be public leaders and speakers. They are part of all effective interpersonal communications, whether public or private, personal or professional. They are an integral part of effective personal skills; therefore, developing skills in public communications increases self-confidence, poise, and assertiveness. Effective communications has to do with control, assertiveness, and helping others. It means expressing our ideas so well that others are touched, moved, and persuaded by them. Effective communications put people in charge of their lives. This workshop will help you overcome the fear of public speaking, and equip you with the most effective success and leadership tool available to you.

10. Effective Listening
The purpose of this workshop is to present the student with the skill to learn "How To Really Hear and Understand." In today's highly dynamic society, too many of us hear, but do not really listen to the message that people are attempting to communicate, especially when it comes from our children. During this presentation, you will learn why students with the highest grades usually have the strongest listening skills. The student will learn how to overcome barriers to effective listening, learn why most people are poor listeners, be presented with techniques on how to become a better listener, and learn how to focus on Critical Listening as an active process. As in the movie Cool Hand Luke, one of the course goals is to learn how to avoid a "failure to communicate" by using effective listening.

11. Managing Conflict
One of the critical skills in a series of management challenges' is how to effectively manage conflict. More specifically, the challenge becomes "Managing Yourself While Managing Conflict." In this workshop, various conflict management styles and strategies will be reviewed, with an emphasis on the "Win - Win" approach. The role of the mediator and arbitrator, and the differences between them, will be discussed in detail. The positive, as well as the negative aspects of Stress, and Stress Management techniques will be presented to the class. Techniques of handling anger, conflict management perspectives, and creative problem are included in this work session. Finally, an overview of the 7Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey will convey the "you" skills within the Conflict Management process.

12. Self Discipline
What is the one common characteristic in successful people? Regardless of the endeavor, whether professional people, students in school, business owners, corporate executives, etc., the one characteristic that is common to all is Self Discipline. It is through the power of Self Discipline that you balance the emotions of the heart with the reasoning of the mind. In this seminar, you will learn that the real winners practice Self-Discipline in and out of the office, on and off the playing field of life. In this presentation, you will learn the importance of the Mental Simulation technique, understand the "Winners Behavioral Cycle," and hear exciting new perspectives on winning and positive thinking. The person that controls himself/herself through Self-Discipline can never be controlled by others.